control clocks
Control clock DigiTimer
The Rauscher DigiTimer is a fully electronic, microprocessor-controlled quartz master clock that meets the highest demands when it comes to controlling tower clocks and bell systems. By using a touchscreen, we have achieved maximum ease of use. The watch is rounded off by a USB slot. This enables program exchange with a PC. PC software for maintaining the data is supplied by us. We would be happy to send you this PC program on request. Thanks to radio synchronization, it is no longer necessary to adjust or change over.

Georg Rauscher
Turmuhrenfabrik GmbH
Würzburger Straße 4
D-93059 Regensburg
Tel.: 0941/830 47-0
Fax: 0941/830 47-27
Managing Director: Sören Draack
Court of registration: Amtsgericht Regensburg
Registry number: HRB 3144
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