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Rauscher national and international


Our home town Regensburg has about 40 Rauscher tower clocks and 400 slave clocks. Most of them are controlled by only one Rauscher radio-controlled master clock installed in the new town hall. The minute pulse is distributed to the engine drives and slave clocks via the city's own telephone network.


All over Germany, Rauscher tower clocks display the exact time by radio. In some places, electromechanical tower clocks made by our company founder are still in service since many decades. Every day we are pleased to have satisfied customers who appreciate our commitment and the quality of our tower clocks and bell automation.


For 20 years we have been working worldwide for government institutions, private clients and retailers. We are personally committed, plan every detail in 3D, manufacture in the usual high quality and are passionate about carrying out on-site installation, if desired.


Our enthusiasm for tower clocks and bell automation is evident in many snapshots taken during production and installation. Thanks to our wonderful employees, many projects remain as unique experience in our customer's memory.

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